Written by Julie Formby
In our previous blog, Is Colorado Really Free & Open?, we discussed the plans that certain, very powerful globalists have for us and what we can do about it in the form of criminal complaints and lawsuits being launched very soon here in Colorado. Today, we will continue with that discussion, beginning with key points from an excellent video series by The Very Opinionated Kate Wand. She can also be found on YouTube. In case you haven’t heard a about her, Kate produces “artistic social commentary, interviews and short films about our current existential crisis as a society. Juxtaposing historical events with contemporary life, [she] examine[s] ideas through the lens of human psychology and morality. [She] provide[s] a place to discuss liberty, philosophy, and politics, from the perspective of two very opinionated (and concerned) Canadian, Kate Wand on camera, and her partner W.G. Gervais behind the scenes. With a variety of topics such as lockdowns, government overreach, radical environmentalist ideology, the hijacking of aviation, economics and public policy, this duo produce long-form conversations with expert guests, short musings and thought-provoking commentary, satire and short films.”
Kate’s two-part video series, “What’s Up with The Great Reset” highlights Klaus Schwab’s plans for us and what they specifically entail. No longer a conspiracy, COVID-19: The Great Reset is a book written by Schwab himself and a term that is used on a regular basis by world leaders around the globe about real plans they have for the world.
“It benefits Schwab and Fauci’s political agenda to continue lockdowns as long as possible. The same people who sell interminable lockdowns — by ignoring great science on pre-existing immunity, lack of asymptomatic spread, and flawed PCR tests — believe the lockdowns are the perfect agent to usher in the changes they desire.” -Stacey Rudin
Lockdowns are not a public health response, but rather are a means to fulfill a political vision:
Restrain the virus – fight it, survive it
Recover – go back to a kind of “new normal”
Reset – reset the global economy to “stakeholder capitalism,” define and design the strategies which should lead us in the after-Corona phase with the objective to build a new world that is:
More resilient
More secure – physical, health, etc.
More inclusive – close the gap of inequality
More sustainable – reduce carbon emissions, pollution, waste, etc.
In other words, “The Great Reset.” This is where the everyone in the Mockingbird Media parrots the same phrase: “BUILD BACK BETTER!” Only it is the peculiar dystopian vision of that small group of globalist elitists that is characterized by this phrase. “Build back better to Klaus Schwab includes his 8 Predictions (read: Goals) for 2030, included in a video on his World Economic Forum website:
You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy. Whatever you want, you’ll rent, and it’ll be delivered by drone.
The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.
You won’t die waiting for an organ donor. We won’t transplant organs. We’ll [3-D] print new ones instead.
You’ll eat much less meat. An occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of our environment and our health.
A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We’ll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.
Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help to make fossil fuels history.
You could be preparing to go to Mars. Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life?
Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. Checks and balances that underpin our democracy must not be forgotten.
The extreme measures taken in response to COVID around the globe pushed us closer toward these 8 Predictions and have wreaked havoc on overall public health, which includes not only access to timely healthcare, but also education about health, productive employment and social interaction. All four of these determinants have declined due to overreaction to COVID, and draconian measures have not produced better rates of hospitalization and survival than the average. Regarding the public health determinant of gainful employment:
“The [restaurant] sector of activity has been hit by the pandemic [lockdown] to such a dramatic extent that it… may never come back. In France and the U.K., several industry voices estimate that up to 757 of independent restaurants might not survive the lockdown and subsequent social distancing measures. The large chains and fastfood giants will. This in turn suggests that big business will get bigger while the smallest shrink or disappear. A large restaurant chain, for example, has a better chance of staying operational as it benefits from more resources and ultimately less competition in the wake of bankruptcies among smaller outfits.”-Kate Wand
And it was intentional! Around the world, Operation Lockstep was employed, and small businesses were shut down while big box businesses thrived by benefiting from the migration of customers from small, privately-owned businesses.
“Knowingly taking out small business, one of the last bastions of free speech and independence, distinguishable from the tightly-controlled corporate world, is evil!” -Kate Wand“Both public health ethics and the Siracusa Principles dictate that the least restrictive means must be used when public health is given as a justification for restricting basic human rights, such as the right to earn a living.” -Kate Wand
And yet Schwab & Fauci say that COVID-19 restrictions must remain in place until 2022, or even longer! How can one classify these measures as the least restrictive when there are states like South Dakota who has persisted at educating its residents so they can make the best decision for themselves while allowing businesses to thrive? And what about Sweden? And Florida? And Texas? The impact of COVID measures has been minimal on those locations, permitting The People to earn a living and experience OVERALL HEALTH which exemplifies the four determinants of public health listed above!
“Is it okay to lie to the public for some greater good?” -Klaus Schwab
Kate Wand asks, “What is the greater good? Tricks like exploiting pandemics should not be used…. reasonable people may well believe in the merit of Schwab’s stakeholder economy, but they undoubtedly expect to be persuaded of its merit, not to have the system foisted upon them by ruse.”
We must remain steadfast and committed to the goals of Keep Colorado Free & Open: to EDUCATE ourselves and others about our rights and COVID so we can recognize when our rights are violated, then stand up and ENFORCE the Constitution!
We are weary, but we cannot grow complacent: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”-Thomas Jefferson“We know now that the next crisis is already waiting for us around the corner, and it is the climate crisis.” -Klaus Schwab
Be ready! If Fauci and Schwab have their way, this will only continue until they usher in The Great Reset. Be sure to invite 3 friends and attend our next Community Action Meeting on July 13th when we will hear from the Colorado attorney who is the top candidate to take on the Colorado Stands Up/ MAFA lawsuit!!! She is one of the AFLDS legal team attorneys and helped to draft the vaxxchoice.com criminal charges against any and all officials and individuals who have been complicit in exploiting and overexaggerating COVID.
Read and understand the criminal complaint before attending the meeting on July 13th meeting when the attorney will go over the evidence being cited in these charges, after which we will provide signature pages for everyone to sign in the presence of a public notary.
These charges will be delivered the next day to Larimer & Weld County law enforcement, requesting that they launch a joint criminal investigation against every person involved in this evil agenda which has robbed you and your loved ones of liberty during these last fifteen months.
Our goal is to file these charges in all 64 counties around Colorado. If you are not from Northern Colorado, you can watch the livestream here on our Facebook Events Page on July 13th.
Forget “Build Back Better.” Fight back instead!
Be there!
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