Do your own homework. Arm yourself with facts to stand & resist the tyranny.
The efficacy of facemasks is certainly controversial. There are studies that support both sides of the issue, but the resources here demonstrate that facemasks are indeed inefficient and even jeopardize the health and safety of the average person, not to mention those who have pre-existing health issues or respiratory blockages.
FACEMASK Facts & Studies YouTube Play List
Facemask Studies:

- Dangers of Wearing a Facemask – Dr. Rashid Buttar
- University of Minnesota
- Mask Mandates & Free Speech – KrisAnne Hall, J.D.
- Conclusive Proof Masks Don’t Inhibit Viral Spread – Dr. Mercola & Denis Rancourt – VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT (Denis Rancourt is a former Professor of Physics at University of Ottawa & is presently a volunteer researcher at the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)
- Conclusion Regarding Masks: They Do Not Work – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
- Are Masks Protective Against COVID-19? – Dr. Pamela Popper
- Department of Justice – denial of service due to no face mask is illegal
- CDC– May 5, 2020: Non-pharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures
- Bryant Meyers – My Favorite Links & Articles
- Health Freedom Ohio – Summaries of Mask Studies
Does Dr. Fauci really believe that facemasks are effective?